Coach Steve Hranilovich

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About you: You are a busy 35+ athlete looking to improve your running. You need to balance a job, family, activities, and running. You want to be coached the right way – not by fads or the latest hot program… through proven continual improvement techniques and a focus on good health. You want a coach that listens to you, helps you define goals, and encourages and pushes you to get the best out of yourself. Competitive Women? Yes, my focus! About me: I’m a RRCA Level II coach in the Mid-Atlantic specializing in Masters athletes. Successful Masters balance training and competition with life obligations while staying healthy. Client athletes range from local to National Champion to World Class. My background includes Masters road, track, and cross-country competition, World Marathon Majors Six Star, and high-level cycling. I bring a practical bent to coaching time crunched athletes through experience balancing a 30+ year IT career, competing, coaching, and raising a family. Mastersruncoaching services include custom programs tailored to your goals, strength and technique coaching, collaborative feedback sessions, video analysis, text support, coaching calls, email support, cross training coordination, race execution coaching, local or remote coaching, and run-with-the-coach days. Contact [email protected]

Coaching Services

  • Online coaching services
  • In-person coaching services
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