Abuse Awareness Training
We thank the American Bar Association, Stop It Now, and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center for their expert information included, with permission, in this training program.
How to View the Training
- Click the image to launch the RRCA's Education Hub. It will open in a new tab.
- Create your RRCA Education Hub account or login using your RRCA.org login credentials.
- View 100% of the training (hint, you can't fast forward through it or turn off the volume). Plan for 25-30 minutes to complete the training.
- Complete the quiz at the end. Then click "Proof of Abuse Awareness Training Completion" to the right. Complete the form to claim your certificate.
- The system will generate a downloadable certificate of completion. It will also save to your profile in the RRCA Education Hub.
Compliance Tips for Club and Event Directors:
- Email the training program to volunteers: https://rrcanational.getlearnworlds.com/course/abuse-awareness-training
- Require volunteers to provide their certificate of completion for your files.
- Post the link for the training on your club or event website.
Safe Sport Act Compliance Policies
The purpose of this Safe Sport Act Compliance Policy (Safe Sport Compliance Policy) is to serve as a guide to compliance with the federal law entitled the “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017” (Safe Sport Act), enacted by Congress and became federal law on February 14, 2018.
In 2017, the United States Olympic Committee delegated to the United States Center for SafeSport (SafeSport Center) authority to respond to reports of sexual misconduct within the United States Olympic and Paralympic Movements. The Safe Sport Act codifies that the SafeSport Center has exclusive authority over National Governing Bodies of Sport (“NGBS”) to investigate and take action in response to allegations of sexual abuse.
So what does all of this mean for RRCA Clubs and Events?
While much of the Safe Sport Act speaks to the actions of NGBS, managing interactions during international and inter-state competitions, and the role of the Center, it does outline that non-NGBS, and adults working in youth sports (like RRCA and its members), have certain requirements they must also implement and follow to be in compliance with the Safe Sport Act. These include:
- Any adult (mandated reporter) authorized to interact with youth athletes are required to report suspicions of abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies within 24 hours.
- All adults working with youth are required to go through abuse prevention training of some sort that is pro-active rather than re-active. The abuse prevention training must include educational material about the process of sexual grooming, how to recognize it, and how to prevent it.
- Organizations working with youth should have a criminal background check policy in place that addresses obtaining background checks for those that will have direct contact and oversight of children during a youth program or race.
The RRCA is committed to compliance with the Safe Sport Act. To that end, we strongly encourage members to adopt the following Safe Sport Compliant Policies:
- Mandatory abuse reporting policy
- Abuse Awareness training policy
- NO One-on-One Contact Policy for Anyone Working with Youth
>> Download the template for the detailed Safe Sport Compliance policies outlined above.