Runner Safety Tips
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- Be Alert: Always be aware of your surroundings and what is going on nearby.
- Trust your intuition: If something doesn't feel right, you may be in danger. Avoid a person or area if it feels unsafe. Get to an safet and be ready to protect yourself.
- Move away from verbal harassment: Ignoring "cat calling" is the best way to dimish that behavior by others. Take a video if someone is making threats or verbally harassing you to share with police as needed.
- Get self defense training: It is a harsh reality that people have been attacked while running. Learn how to defend yourself and strategies from getting away from an attacker.
- Vary your routine: Select various routes so your routine is not too predictable when running alone. Be thoughtful about what you post online about your routes.
- Plan your routes with safety in mind: Run in familiar areas that allow you to safely alter your route as needed.
- Run with a club/crew: Running with a group increases your safety. If you are traveling, find a club to run with. Check with local hotels about safe running routes.
- Be visible in the dark: Wear reflective clothing or a lighted vest when running in the dark. Be thoughtful about running in unlit areas with poor visiblity. Don't run in the middle of the road when it's dark
- Carry your cell phone: The best safety tool you own. Text a friend or family member so they know you are out on your run. Find apps that can safely track your run. Use your wearable technology to keep you safe.
- Carry ID: Slip it in your cell phone case or consider a Road ID that has pertinent medical information.
- Be street smart: Run against traffic. Look both ways crossing an intersection/crosswalk. Obey traffic signals.
- Run on sidewalks: When available, run on side walks. In fact, many communities have ordinances requiring sidewalk use. Your community has invested in side walks and "complete streets." Use them!
- Never trust a driver: Drivers are distracted and you are not their first priority. Don't assume they will give you the right of way at a crosswalk.
- Be smart about headphone use : We get it, you love your music. Keep the volume low enough that you can maintain awareness of your surroundings. Don't zone-out in unpopulated areas - especially on quiet trails.
- CALL POLICE: If something happens to you or someone else, get to safety. Try to record a situation if you need evidence and do so safely. Call police once you are safe!
Be a Safe Running Advocate
- Be Alert: If you see a fellow runner in distress, check in with them. Call 911 or the police as needed.
- Educate people about harassment: Understand that women and people of color regularly get verbally harassed while running. Call friends out if they engage in this bad behaviour. Never verbally harass anyone while out on the run.
- Use your cell phone for good: If you see a runner being harassed or injured by a careless driver or other pedestrians, safely record the incident on your phone. Call police.
- Be a safe person for fellow runners: If you witness a runner being harassed, followed by a creep, or in distress, check-in with them. Help them get to safety. Helping a fellow runner in distress is more important than crushing your work-out, and you may just save someone's life in the process.