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Congratulations if you passed your examination

Your certification process is nearly complete! To finalize your certification and have your name listed on our website as an RRCA Certified Race Director you must email, mail, or fax a signed and notarized copy of the RRCA Race Director Code of Ethics. 

Email your signed and notarized copy to [email protected].  By signing this document, you agree to abide by the RRCA’s Code of Ethics for a race director.  Failure to abide by this Code may result in review of you certification, probation, and loss of the certification credential for violations. 

Once we receive your signed and notarized copy of the RRCA Race Director Code of Ethics, we will include your name on the public listing of RRCA: Certified Race Directors, and we will mail you a certificate of completion for your records along with an RRCA Certified Race Director logo for use on your event website(s).

Download the Code of Ethics to sign, notarize, and return to the RRCA

We are sorry if you did not pass your examination

If you did not pass your examination on the first try, don’t give up.  The RRCA will contact you about re-testing options, and a nominal fee will apply for re-testing in order to complete the certification process.


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