Runner Friendly Community Desigation Renewal Application

Every five years, a Runner Friendly Community must complete this renewal application to ensure it continues to meet the RRCA’s expectations for the designation. Questions? Email [email protected]

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Community Info

Official Community Representative Contact Info


Community Infrastructure

Please review the Community Infrastructure criteria on the RRCA website, and answer the following questions to the best of your ability. A runner friendly community should be able to prove that it has an infrastructure that can foster physical activity in a safe environment.
How many miles can runners/walkers complete continuously on a pedestrian network before it completely ends?*
Does your community infrastructure include:*
Check all that apply

Community Support

Please review the Community Support criteria on the RRCA website, and answer the following questions to the best of your ability. A runner friendly community should be able to prove that organizations and businesses work together in a positive manner to promote running as a healthy activity and sport.
Does your organization host or participate in planning meetings at least once per year that engage multiple stakeholders with an interest in promoting running in the community?

Local Government Support

Please review the Local Government Support criteria on the RRCA website, and answer the following questions to the best of your ability. A runner friendly community should be able to prove that it has positive relationships between the running community and local government.
Does your local government require more insurance than the RRCA deems adequate coverage for clubs and events?*

Is your local law enforcement pro-active about complaints concerning pedestrian rights, safety, and monitoring dangerous intersections, etc.?*
Does your local government actively promote physical fitness through a community adopted physical activity plan or similar effort?*

Does your local government actively promote physical fitness through a community adopted physical activity plan or similar effort?*

Additional Criteria

Please review the Additional Bonus Criteria on the RRCA website, and answer the following questions to the best of your ability. These criteria will assist the RRCA in selecting the outstanding runner friendly community that goes above and beyond our three primary segments.
Does your community have a competitive Track and/or Cross Country program for youth in grades 6-12?*

Does your community have organized, multi-week, youth running programs for both boys and girls?*

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
Upload a letter of recommendation from a community leader for why your community remains runner friendly.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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