Supporting the RRCA as corporate sponsor allows your company to connect with our audiences to positively promote your brand, raise brand awareness, and spotlight how you support the RRCA’s vision of Empowering Everyone to Run.   RRCA works with brands that align with our mission, vision, and values.

Club Numbers
Event Numbers
Safe Events
Screenshot 2024 07 10 at 3.20.32 PM
Convention 2024 5K

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • RRCA Convention – see below for opportunities and sponsor levels.
  • $4,500 – RRCA Supporting Sponsor (non-exclusive) per year in cash if no official sponsor has category exclusivity.  This mirrors our Gold  Convention Sponsor and benefits are outlined below.
  • $7,500 – RRCA Premier Sponsor (non-exclusive) per year in cash if no official sponsor has category exclusivity.  A minimum cash sponsorship of $7,500 is required for companies seeking to work with RRCA to create strategies to engage with our community of Certified Run Coaches.
  • $10,000 -RRCA Official Sponsor (category exclusive) per year in cash with additional in-kind product or service support for RRCA.

RRCA’s goal is to create mutually beneficial relationships with sponsors seeking to reach our audience of dedicated running community leaders.  Email Jean Knaack to learn more and create your customized sponsorship with RRCA.

Club Membership Brand Photo

RRCA Convention Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship of the RRCA starts annually with the RRCA National Convention that attracts over 300 club and event leaders, coaches, and runners. Compared to other opportunities in the running industry, RRCA sponsorship can provide exposure for your company during the RRCA Convention and throughout the entire year. Convention Sponsor & Expo Details.icon file 1

Post-convention, all sponsorship opportunities are considered supporting sponsors or official sponsors and convention benefits will be deferred to the following year.

Benefits Gold Sponsor $4500 Silver Sponsor $2500 Bronze Sponsor $1700 Expo Vendor $1000
Complementary Convention Registration 3 = $1275 value 2 = $900 value 1 = $425 value 1 = $425 value
Convention Expo Table Prime expo table location with power and internet included* Expo table location with power and internet included* Expo table with power and internet included* Expo table*
Convention attendee list Yes, for pre- and post-event marketing Yes, for pre- and post-event marketing Yes, for post-event for marketing only Yes, for post-event for marketing only
Logo placement in the Convention App and webpage Yes Yes Yes Yes
Company-produced fliers included in attendee goody bag Yes, along with any additional attendee gift provided by sponsor Yes Yes
Advertisement posts in the RRCA Convention App 2 Advertisement posts 1 Advertisement post
Logo placement and link to company on Yes, on all pages on Yes, on subpages (not on homepage) on
Logo placement and link to company in Keeping Pace emails Yes Yes
Naming rights for a networking function during the RRCA Convention. Yes
Access to RRCA club and event contact list for direct marketing purposes. We will also work with your company to include banner ads in Keeping Pace, post press releases on, and more.
Social media exposure Post 2x per year on RRCA social media accounts about your company/product.
Membership Engagement
Coaching Level II Convention
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